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Unique Acts & Strolling Entertainment
Bring your event to another level with unique strolling entertainment throughout your event!

This living red cirque carpet lady will make your guests truly feel like Hollywood celebrities! This cirque entertainer brings surprise and awe to any event. Make a grand entrance, sending your guests walking down our red-velvet dress! Guests will be welcomed to your party by our Living Red-Carpet greeter to realize that they are standing on her Dress! Snapchat and Instagram approved! Other Living Models includes our Living Champagne Skirt, as she strolls the party in her party dress, reach out and treat your self to a glass of bubbly from her dress.
Our Living Strolling Table is a unique wow strolling entertainment. Bring your event to life adding a living strolling table to mingle with guests pouring champagne, handing out appetizers, promotional material, etc. Living Models stroll for your service!
Aerial Bartenders, Flair Bartenders, Strolling Girl Living Table Bartender, and Strolling Champagne Dress all ready to serve cocktail entertainment! Free Standing bartender rigs! available for rent! Outdoor parties? Check out our poolside and swimming Mermaids and Zorb Cirque Sphere Bubble Girls, Fire Dancers, and more!

Bubble Girls

Living Champagne Skirt

Living Strolling Tables

Interactive Jugglers

Living Red Carpet

Theme Dancers

Champagne Service

Glow Dancers

Walking Globe

Themed Characters

Themed Stilt Walkers